Saturday, November 28, 2009

365 day 30

This is up late.... but I have a valid excuse which you will see in day 31 lol.
Day 30 I decided to shoot a different style. I follow a ton of photographers that are brilliant and amazing. One idea was to switch from shooting RAW (Which is the only way I shoot) to Jpg on the vivid setting and play around with the contrast/sharpness sliders.
The only time I got on this day to start messing around was late - it was dark out and kids were in jammies. So not only did I switch styles, but I had to practice my flash.... which FYI still not rockin it.
I think this style would be really great outside - like in the spring. But inside with flash I do not likey. Kade's lips look like she has lipstick on! It makes skin tones very saturated. But I am not one to give up - this photog from where the inspiration came from shoots that way all the time - and her photos are AMAZING.
She also almost always shoots at 1.6. Even groups - she really is talented.
I love trying out new things..... here are a couple!

Not helping matters.... the focus fell on her shirt lol. It was hard in the dark getting the focus to fall on the face!

Her baby. One of her favorite things to do is play with her babies.


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This is me

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Thanks for visiting! My name is Kathy and I am a mother of two and raising them with the love of my life. I have just embarked upon an amazing journey - a photography business in Calgary AB. Always learning, practicing and enjoying every part!