Thursday, July 29, 2010

365 day 240 mmmm love this recipe | Calgary photographer

I feel the need to put a disclaimer here.... I am having allergies. Not just run of the mill one reactine and I'm good. Extreme allergies. So I am taking a bit more than usual of meds.... not knowing if it's a cold on top of allergies.... or really insane allergies. If something looks off in the recipe.... tell me! My brain is a jumbled mess!

Here it is! Another of my very favorite recipes!!! Not only is the recipe easy.... but it is a fantastic stress reliever!! I got it from my sister and we LOVE it!!!

So. You need:
Ritz crackers
cheese sliced or shredded - swiss or mozza ( I use mozza. cause I'm lazy and we always have it around)
ham - I have tried reg ham, honey and black forest. It's all good!
chicken breasts
herb and garlic cream cheese. VERY IMPORTANT. This is the secret weapon ;)

oven. you'll need it on. 375 does it!

now first. grind up those ritz crackers. however. I put them in a food chopper.
put them in a bowl big enough for you to roll the chicken round to get all covered in the cracker bits bits.

next up. eggs. take the yolks only (do what you want with the whites lol) stir em up in a bowl big enough the dip the chicken breasts in.

and now. cheese. put an amount you think you will use on a plate. I do this because your hands get raw chicken grubby and you don't want to be breaking to wash your hands to get cheese all the time!

SECRET WEAPON. put some of the cream cheese on a plate. Same reason as the other cheese getting a plate. You are going to spread the cream cheese on raw chicken. You really want to be washing knives all day or pulling out new one when you need more cream cheese from the tub?

and the chicken. HELLO AND YAY FOR STRESS RELIEF!!!!! Take the chicken one piece at a time. Put it in a ziplock bag, or cover it with wax paper, or even paper towel and grab your *meat tenderizer* and yes a friend told me that is the right name :) and smash it. Till you feel better. But if you're not feeling better and you've smashed THROUGH the meat... you should probably stop. And grab a drink. Maybe you want to make it a double ;)

Now you are ready to assemble.

Grab your chicken pieces. Ugly side up. (You all know what I mean)
Spread some cream cheese on it. I use A LOT.
Then add some ham.
Top with cheese.
Roll up and stick some toothpicks in it.
Cover said chicken piece in egg yolk.
Then roll it round in the cracker crumb bits.

Put it on the tray. Continue on until you are done all your chicken. Pop in oven for 40-45 min. and BRING ON THE YUM!!!

*For 3 chicken breasts I used about 10 crackers, 3 TBSP cream cheese, 6 slices of ham, 1 cup shredded cheese (maybe 3/4)


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Thanks for visiting! My name is Kathy and I am a mother of two and raising them with the love of my life. I have just embarked upon an amazing journey - a photography business in Calgary AB. Always learning, practicing and enjoying every part!