Thursday, May 13, 2010

365 day 169 sweet summer days | Calgary children's photographer

Ooooooooooh what a day!!!! It was so gorgeous out!!! LOVE IT!!! It was such a beautiful day. And on such a day what would be the best way to spend it?
You got it... friends and the outdoors!!! It is what our summer revolves around and I am so happy to be getting a piece of that back! So after getting to hang some family pics for my friend from this session (which I must say it is super fun seeing some pics that I took get printed and hung up all over!!!) we headed out. Out to the park and the sludgy pond. Out to watch our kids dance around, play at the park and just have some good kid fun. Awesome.

And now that I have revelled in the heat.... it will probably snow tomorrow lol.

So proud he climbed up to the top of this rock thingy (with a little help). He jumped off once. And that was it/ After that he wanted help!

She was dancing. Cutest thing ever. She was all 'Kathy take my picture!' OK!

She was soooo hot. But refused to take her tights off. And wow - check her hair... sweet Kade! Shockingly she had her shoes on the right feet! I think she normally puts them on the wrong feet just to see if I will notice and what I will say!


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Thanks for visiting! My name is Kathy and I am a mother of two and raising them with the love of my life. I have just embarked upon an amazing journey - a photography business in Calgary AB. Always learning, practicing and enjoying every part!