This rarely happens in our house. These kids are not the crash out anywhere ever type of kids... unless they are sick. Which Kade is :( Crazy coughing. Hello Vicks!
We had Jax over for some playtime and he and Ro were running ALL over the house pretending they were Handy Manny and Kelly, and I was steam cleaning the stairs and they BOTH fell asleep in all the madness!
Yes was Ro's preschool concert. It was so fun! I have no idea how more people there were not crying - I was all teary eyed looking through the lens! So proud of him... he knew most of the words after all his stressin and did awesome! The words he knew you could tell - Dion could hear him clearly at the back of the room! It was really cute. I don't know the rules on putting up pics.. so I am not going to. There are tons of other kids in the pics lol. But it was a good time!
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