Friday, December 4, 2009

365 day 37 | Calgary photography

WHERE ARE WE??????????
Can you tell?

How about from this angle? ( I love pics of kids by water fountains.... makes them look so tiny!)

OK - how about this one? FYI - GREAT place for some cool pics when it's cold outside lol. He was IN LOVE with the water.... lucky he brought his wallet. He combed through it grabbing pennies to throw in. I kept telling him Ro - don't waste all your money.... he said I'm NOT - I'm wishing with EVERY one :) CUTIE!

OK OK - you'll def get this one......they were so cute patiently waiting for luggage! Too bad the patience didn't last for the crazy LONG drive home. I have seriously forgotten what rush hour is like in this city. Two crying kids doesn't make that go any faster!

ALL for moments like this!!!!!!!

If you haven't already guessed.... we were at the airport picking up my dad - AKA grandpa. Couldn't be more excited!!!! (unless of course Grandma B was with. BOO to no more holidays this year :( can't wait for next year!)


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Thanks for visiting! My name is Kathy and I am a mother of two and raising them with the love of my life. I have just embarked upon an amazing journey - a photography business in Calgary AB. Always learning, practicing and enjoying every part!