Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hello boxing day!!!

While I go through the hundreds of Christmas photos and try to pick my very favorites to put up here... I decided to jump RIGHT to the boxing day fun we had today!

I have a whack of photos I absolutely love from Christmas. We had family visiting and it was just so much FUN. Just a couple to prove it.....

Wine. Need I say more?

awwwww... so few and far between are the pics of us!

3 generations of girls :)

But for now.... we'll stick with boxing day :)
It was absolutely gorgeous out today. The kind of day that doesn't just whisper in your year... one that SCREAMS "hello time for toboganning!" So off we went.

And it was perfect. Even Kade made quite a few runs down the hill before happily calling it quits.

With the promise of hot chocolate ;) (which shockingly she actually drank the whole cup. Random.)

What is this? A smile? From Kade? In the snow? So happy it was warm out for this. Or she would have been OUT OF THERE. lol.


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Thanks for visiting! My name is Kathy and I am a mother of two and raising them with the love of my life. I have just embarked upon an amazing journey - a photography business in Calgary AB. Always learning, practicing and enjoying every part!