Too bad my son's enthusiasm isn't catchy! He may drive me crazy.... but I am going to miss him! I get all weepy just thinking about it. If your kid goes to my my kid's school... seriously don't mind me the first few days. I am totally prepared to be a blubbering mess! But he is STOKED. Enough that we got through shopping today. Which IMO makes the day about as perfect as you can get :)
Jenny took Kade (BTW everyone say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my very beautiful sister!) for a couple hours in the hopes I could actually get some shopping done with Rohan.
SWEET!!!!! We are almost all set!
BUT....... while waiting in line at Sears Ro got a free eye exam. Which has resulted in an eye exam tomorrow am. Please please cross your fingers we do NOT have to get glasses for him!!! While he is excited he may need glasses just like Jaxon... I have honestly hoped and wished EVERY day that our kids do NOT need glasses. I can not tell you how much I can NOT stand having to wear them or contacts and really hope my kids do not have to. NOT TO MENTION.... they would cover his beautiful lashes (how vain am I lol). I just hope that it doesn't happen. We will see tomorrow I guess!
So with Ro almost all set I got to snag the baby and take he and Kade out to Grandma's while Ro got spoiled with a movie with Aunty and the boys. Then grandma snagged the baby ;) I took Kade to the park and she had a BLAST. I am actually very excited to get to spend some time just her and I while Ro is in school this year. She is SO FUN!!!
Once we were home Ro raced to show her some of the stuff we got her. And She fell in love with a hat and matching mittens. SWEET. Cause I totally fell for them at the store! They are just awesome and I hope we get a lot of use out them - SO SO CUTE!!!!!! She was modelling. UNTIL Ro mentioned he got a new water bottle. Then.... bring on the tears. She wants one too.

Singing. At the top of her lungs.

Playing with trains and barbies. With mitts. LOL.

How do you like that messy face??? Bleeding nose, strawberries.... classic Kade ;)

Seriously.... CUTE HEY???

REALLY not happy with Rohan. Or his cup. And is demanding to go to the mall THIS MINUTE.

What a cutie! She sure has changed from last year, I remember not getting any smiles at all!