Friday the 13th usually mean a great day around here ;) After all Dion and I DID get engaged on one Friday the 13th! Today was heavenly. I haven't ever experienced anything like it.
Kadence and Rohan played. all day. together. laughing, giggling, a little fighting but not much, talking,pretending..... they were soooo cute! I just cleaned and read, cleaned, cooked, tore them away from playing to feed them and went back to cleaning, and reading! I did NOT try to work though... because of course they would instantly break out fighting or something if I actually tried to accomplish something ;)
They didn't even trash anything! They were so into playing pretend.... they probably didn't realize they were getting along so well ;)
If only ALL days were like this..... I didn't even go out to the places I wanted to go to get some things done... I was totally enjoying watching and listening to them play.
AMAZING. These are the days we as parents live for. The days we can say I love my kids. Without having to count to 10 first ;)
And now.... just sharing a little of my giggle factor. Go ahead and giggle. You will want to!

Showcasing her woggle goggles. Gotta love imagination movers!


Awwww, awesome! Yay for an awesome day!