Anyways..... side note - I would rather poke my eyes with toothpics than drive Sarcee again. SERIOUSLY. Someone get US a ring road already! Construction after construction.... I do not know how people do that every day...... no thank you!
I got to meet a sweet little newborn today.... but she was already playing diva and I get to see her again! Funny how girls get that attitude so young ;) She was having none of my camera today so we are going to meet up again.... and I am determined... so she better bring her A game ;)
Once I got home the kids proved to have given Grandma and Deb a run for their money.... they needed a drink. STAT. After they left, I brought the kids in and we started to watch Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
OK really? Did anyone actually LIKE that movie? We shut it off. I have no desire to watch it when the kids are in bed either.
So Kade wanted to cheer me up. And wear on of the headbands I made today. Yes I know.... just one more thing I have added to my must do list lol. So she let me take some fun pics of her. I wish the backdrop didn't suck - but all my props were still in the car and I had no desire to be dragging them in right then!
Hello eyelashes!!!!

Ahhhh the light in the kitchen in the afternoon is heavenly! Oh my messy child... I love you.

Best I got of him lol. ZERO cooperation!

See? Happy girl!!!!! The headbands I made are for newborns... but she wanted to try one on, so I said yes!

oooohhhh, I just made a whole bunch of headbands like that! So cute!