I have allergies. They are really bad in the summer. Annoying ~ yes. Crippling ~ not usually. so I am on meds almost all summer for that. THAT is not unusual. What really hurts is getting a cold on top of allergies. A sinus cold.
Oh my heck. The pain. On one especially bad morning, I took cold meds without realizing I had taken allergy meds the night before (they run every 24 hours). After starting to feel a bit woozy I headed for a very cold shower. It did not get better. I got sick. Incredibly sick.
The next day Dion went to drink some of my milk... he said it was bad. Like raunchy bad. Because I can not smell or taste ANYTHING... I had about a quarter bowl of cereal with it. So it probably wasn't mixing the meds that did it as I had thought.... but bad milk. HOW FLIPPIN GROSS is that??? I never even knew!
So the lesson is - don't have milk when you can't taste or smell. Because even if the expiry date says it's good.... it most definitely may NOT be!!!!!
Now I am in recovery mode... still not up to posting much. BUT. We went to the park today. And daddy was home!!!! It is so rare to have him around and get out to the park so that was MAJOR fun. I have a ton of great photos.... but I opened one and it totally made me laugh. I love it so much!
Then I got one of daddy and Kade.... the kids were thrilled to have him around today!
I love this.... what a sweetie!

What a cool swing! Thats awesome! Nice to have pics with Daddy, just having fun!