But I must say it was fun. We stopped at Inglewood Pizza. Which was AMAZING. Such good pizza. Definitely go there. We went to Starbucks... and we found fantastic photo spots and the BLUE WALL I have been searching for. Unfortunately we didn't actually make it to the wall... but hey we found it!!!
I got some GREAT pics of some beautiful girls. Little Miss T.... you are so pretty. and sweet. and smart. and loved. You are growing up sooo fast and I am so happy I get to be in your life. You are an amazing kiddo with such a fantastic life ahead of you..... thanks for letting me take your pics today. And little Miss R you are just sweetness. You just strike a pose for me on request..... and you make me laugh all the time.
T- you have some amazing kids on your hands.... which just shows everyone that you are a wonderful mom (and possibly a great dad in there too ;). We love love spending time with you guys and wish it could be more often! So move already ;)
Some of these are processed a little differently than I would a client.... I take every chance I can to learn and grow - and these kids were so willing so I had to play around with them! And I know their mom won't mind!

Awesome! Nice and bright! I LOVE the brick wall!