These were taken Sept long weekend. I know huh. LONG time coming!
Since taking these I realized I have learned ALOT. This was my very first family shoot. I still have lots to learn - but these really helped me learn tons. Families are HARD - there's always someone looking at someone else, someone talking, someone pointing, someone closing their eyes lol. And in the case of smaller kids - someone's usually crying.
I did edit a bunch of these when they were taken.... but when I went back to finish up I realized just how much my editing had changed so I redid them to my current editing know how :)
I also have learned more about selecting pictures :)
Hope you like the preview, I can now say they are DONE. D.O.N.E. Phew ;)
These were taken down by my hood lol. I was so excited for them to come out here to get our pics taken and to take theirs. I def lucked out by calling to be the photog first. Then men that run a business in the shop came back just when we were switching roles - and needed to work. So Shannon had to take our pics at a building beside this one in tougher lighting conditions!

Trust me - this stuff is NASTY! I can NOT believe people actually drink it! Even the kids didn't like it!

So much fun!

Obviously she KNEW this would end up on here LOL. Who does this in front of someone with a camera and a blog otherwise ;) Plus I told her heehee.

These were up in Crowsnest Pass. Great find in the middle of town :) Lucky we made it their at all....... I always think I can read maps - but we must have driven at least 1/2 hr on a gravel road in the mountains where cows literally lined the street. It was CRAZY! Right when I though ok - we better turn around I have no clue where I am taking them we did in fact hit the highway I was aiming for... but it was pretty tense! Rohan kept telling me 'it's ok mommy I am not scared - you're a good driver' HA!

Hahahaha! Katie and her faces huh? We love them so much! Thank you! I love them all, I can't even decide which ones I like the best! Can't wait to do this again next year! ;)