We have noticed in the last couple years the boards were starting to rot, but with the winds the fence was just falling over in sections - waving in the wind! Well I was freaking - who likes the cost of replacing a fence really? Phoned the honey, and he said he would check it out. So off we went to our friends (after I took some videos lol). Where we raced garbage down the streets and counted signs that had been blown over. INSANE.
When we came home I really thought oooh great I'll take pics of the fence - good blog shots lol. But D had already braced in and gone off to get some wood :) He's a good man. Of course it won't really be fixed till the summer, but I'd rather the work he did than no fence - it was the one that runs along the back lane lol.
So I am putting up a pic of my FAV lights at my friends house, and the downed recycling bins in our back lane. WHOA. stop the presses HAHAHAHAHA!

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