So here was day 12. Have I mentioned my love affair with pepsi? Yeah I love it. And I went to a bday party on Sunday...... and there was COKE. There is a divide with my friends. Those who love pepsi and those who don't. And the party..... well it was hosted by a coke lover lol. So I came home and grabbed a pepsi and thought here..... this IS my 365 for today. YUM.

NOW on to today. We had a really fun busy day at our house today! We had a playdate with my friend and her two kids. It was awesome!!!! Then another friend came over for her baby's 3 month old pics. She also brought two other kids. Well the kids had a wicked time playing! We barely saw them. It was great... and a really great photo session. Such a cute baby and SMILEY!!!
This is not his post..... but I did the session with my 50, so I thought I would use one for here :)

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