sheesh.... I am a day behind again. WHO knew it would be so much work getting one blog post a day done? Doesn't help that this *virus* has been shared in our house ;)
I am trying to broaden the horizons..... change things up. I really want to be able to practice my skills - and I find just picking tough shooting conditions, changing the modes on my camera (although I am going to stick to M - I need to learn too much still to figure out the whole jpeg thing. I don't like it and it's taking space on my computer. ONE DAY!) and trying to get really good focus and clear pics. I like popping pp, but clean. Something I haven't got consistent yet! Although in it's place I love all the textures, and every other fun techinique I have learned!
BUT - it takes an excellent pic SOOC (straight out of camera) to be able to make it shine. PP does not make a bad photo good :)
So today I decided to throw in a recipe. It is one of our fav soups. I got it from my MIL. I had NO clue what a leek was before I met her. AND I was sure I didn't like them. (whose the kid NOW) But this soup has turned out to be my very favorite. So here it is......... (I hope I'm not letting out a secret here lol)
Potato leek soup........
4 leeks (I use 5)
8 potatoes
1/4 lb butter (I used to weigh it - cause I am a person that NEEDS recipes - bow I just make sure the leeks are sauteeing nicely.)
1/4 cup fresh parsley (usually I skip this - I never have it fresh in my house haha)
6 cups chicken broth
Split leeks lengthwise. Wash. chop into 1" pieces. (don't use the really green parts. I stick to white and light-med green). Melt butter and throw the leeks in over medium heat. In your soupot throw in the 6 cups of chicken broth and heat it up. Peel and chop potatoes. Once the broth is hot and the leeks are transparent add the potatoes and leeks to the broth. Cook until potatoes are soft. Blend it up, garnish it (I use old cheddar cheese - my MIL uses chives and the parsely) and SERVE! YUMM-O :)

And voila..... YUM!

Mmmm, that sounds really good, I need to try it! I am always looking for different recipes! Tell your MIL thanks!