New Moon arrived in theatres. I was skeptically optimistic over this movie. I was incredibly disappointed in Twilight. BUT since that came out I have watched it prob over 40 times. And it has grown on me. Plus it's been a long time since I read the books... so I wouldn't be AS nitpicky.
All in all it scored well in my books. We had a good night out!
ANYWAYS I was going to bring my camera and do some night shots... until I realised how cold it was going to be and was not about to leave my baby in the car while we watched the movie.
So there were no pics yesterday!
Today we decided to get into the Christmas Spirit. I love the Lougheed house. We have only seen part of it - but I heard they had transformed it into CHRISTMAS with some stuff for kids. So off we went. (after the timbit experience - thanks Gram :) ) I enjoyed every minute of it - but am not afraid to say the $30 price take was a little much.
The house is just so cool, it's just amazing. And the decorating was AWESOME (haha Trace). Santa was there. Ro finally warmed up to him. BUT Kade would rather watch. didn't want to have anything to do with him. When we were driving home though she blurts out I WUV Santa. D says why didn't you talk to him then and she said BECAUSE I WAS MAD AT SANTA.... which apparently she still is. TOO FUNNY!
Anyways... we did some crafts and got a FAMILY PIC done. Good times!
Even Daddy made a card at craft time.... and it killed mine!

This kills me. Total Rohan.

Gorgeous decorating at the house... too bad my kids were there. PICTURE PARADISE!

Looks like a pretty neat place. Glad you spent some family time together!