Sunday morning happened as usual. Kade got up, woke me up, then Rohan, then Daddy a while later. Ro complained all morning of a sore stomache. I was guessing it was from all the sun when he was fishing the day before, or a bug, or something. We went out for Father's Day breaky and then I got the kids ready for the waaterpark. That's when it really started. He was getting these pains... then would fell better and carry on.
After buying some pepto at Sev for him we went to the park to meet my sister and fam. He was ok, then he was really sick. Like really sick.
So we packed it up and came home.
Kade was beat, Daddy was wiped, Gram was suffering from too much wine the night before, Ro was SICK.... there went all my dinner making plans!
It all started out good. Playing, laughing and having a great time!!!

THEN.... dum dum dum..... here they are at home

Happy Father's Day!!!! Hey I would DEFINATELY take this for a mother's day gift ;)

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