I still tear up sometimes when I drop him off or pick him up.... I can't help it. So proud of my lil man. It is so fun to watch him learn and grow. And yet weird to not really be a part of it.... I just can not get over how quickly time passes. He has had an amazing time at school. And though I am TOTALLY looking forward to chilling with him all summer I am already anticipating my next hurdle - kindergarten. He is totally excited. I am still in shock. There is NO WAY I can possibly be the mom of a kid in 'real school'. NO WAY!
Back to the here and now. Today was their school picnic. It was at Lake Sundance. I have never been there. Let me tell you... it is GORGEOUS! Love it. Found my dream home. C'mon lotto!
It was rescheduled from last week (rain, what else lol) and I totally thought it would be cancelled today. But it wasn't and it was actually perfect out. Although the ground was REALLY wet. Thank goodness Ro's teacher brought out some garbage bags to sit on. Cause that was WET.
It was a great time though.... nice to get to sit and watch them all play.
Seriously.... two of THE BEST teachers. Rohan just loves them. They have really been the greatest. We appreciate everything they have done for Rohan, and the fact that they have really inspired Ro to love learning and going to school even more than before.

What a good sport this teacher is. Rohan told me as were were walking away... MOM if you didn't know THAT was Mrs. Trudie. LOL. Know it all!

This was the 2nd one.... it went so high it was right out of my frame.... the kids thought this was crazy cool!

It was really the perfect day. After being locked indoors thanls to rain for the last few days this was the first time they could really get outside to play. And it was warm! What better way to celebrate than the beach???

Some ducks even showed up for the party!

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