As today was such beautiful weather (eyeroll here please) I decided we should go to Walmart and get the poor kid some seeds. Me not being a seed person AT ALL begged Gram to go with us and we headed off to find the perfect ones.
Here I must say this. I can't stand Walmart. I've said it before. Probably will never stop saying it. BUT I love Okotoks Walmart. First - they are cheaper than ours. Why? I don't know. I always thought small towns were more pricey - but no. They aren't. Second - the people. Less crowds. It's awesome. Third - I have always found the employees there really helpful and nice. Except one. Of course in the baby dept lol. That is MUCH more than I can say for my Walmart. In fact I am going to save up shopping and do it every time we go to Gram's. Because it is worth it. I loathe going to the one here!
Anyways... the ladies in teh garden dept were so helpful. They had Ro laughing and really debating his seed choices. It was awesome. Bet you didn't see that one coming!!!
So guess what seeds we got......

Well one of them is easy at least!!! We made a few cups and have TONS of backup seeds. Please please please let some of these work. Or a little 4 yr old is going to be crushed.

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