So I thought, well I am going to take them to the park and tire them RIGHT out before it rains, rent them some movies and get back home to work. I invited my nephews too... our kids play so well together I knew it was a good idea.
It started out fine.... I have not been feeling very good the past couple of days so I was also hoping to not to have to do too much lol. The kids played and played. It was cold - poor Jax ended up in Kade's pink coat! But they had tons of fun. But I was really not feeling good. I took them to Blockbuster and got a couple movies, then to Starbucks - kids hot chocolate for Ro and apple juice for Kade and they felt like it was a pretty special day! But I was feeling worse.
We got home and I got them lunch and their movies and settled in. And ended up crashing on the couch with Kade. So we hung out all afternoon. Kade isn't feeling all the great either. She fell asleep sitting with me.
And wouldn't you know it? Not a drop of rain all day. In fact we saw some sunshine AND it warmed up. Glad they had fun at least!
So my apologies to anyone waiting for a reply or work.... I am hoping to be back at it tomorrow and get it all done!
Kadence is a swing hater. These are new at the park. And she could have spent the whole day on them. She LOVED them. Told daddy she wants him to her on the saucers at the park. So cute! From this... she actually moved on the the real swings! And swung on them. AND smiled. That is progress people!

My model for the day. He loves my camera. I love him. It's win win ;)

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