Mine has not ended. Sadly my son is still up at 11pm in his room and Kade JUST fell out of bed and is sitting on the couch beside me. Kind of the perfect ending to the kind of day I had.
Grandma came over for supper and the kids were really excited! Kade and Ro had a ton of fun making her heart cards. I of course was in deep trouble as I ran out of time today. We forgot to put the sparkles on. Of course that totally ruined the cards for Rohan. Grandma still loves them I will bet!
Rohan HAD to get this cake while we were grocery shopping. His starting to read is wreaking havoc on my shopping routines lol ;)

I wanted a pic of the two of them.... and ended up with this :) LOVE it. They are too cute together. I would have gotten one with Kade... but seriously she was COVERED in orange cake. COVERED. Noone wanted to go near her!

Sorry you had such a bad day! After all you go through you need a day to yourself!