Does it work?
I do NONE of the above. For the whole time I have been a SAHM I fly by the seat of my pants. I go with whatever and somehow things usually fall into place. Sometimes they don't. Either way I am ok with that. Because I mainly go with what NEEDS to be done.
Why? Because the days I plan on doing everything.... my kid's have the worst nights. Or wake up sick.
The days I plan on doing nothing.... my kids go stir crazy and we HAVE to get of the house.
Days I want to go do something... I realize we need to do laundry. Cause we have no clean clothes hahaha.
My life is a constant balance of what NEEDS to be done. Or what needs to be done FIRST!
Luckily.... most of my friends live by the same rules... so we all get along real well!
Today I ran. 75 minutes. 75 MINUTES!!! 3 weeks ago when I started this whole weight loss things I almost died doing 20. I swear it. Almost. And I was running the easiest courses at 4.6. Today I upped it to 5.2. YAY ME!!!! Not to mention I did that while doing the laundry, wiping bums, and helping all Kade's booboos she kept mysteriously getting!!
Then after some plans kind of fell through I rounded the kids and dogs up and took them to the river in Okotoks with grandma. Honestly... perfect day. We went out walking, found some playgrounds, played at the river. Both kids were tired out and so were the dogs.
We stopped in at Petland to get some dog food on the way home and Rohan got to pet a hamster. Last spring at a pet store he was DESPERATE to get a hamster. I can't stand those things. Messy, dirty, smelly.... another thing to look after. I told him then when he was 7 we will talk about it. Well a few weeks ago he got on my case AGAIN over these things. He now asks about 50 times a day.
We will start taking wagers on when Dion and I will cave in a few days ;) He was so happy to get to pet one though. After that it was hometime, time to make supper, eat it and get to bed. And everything was going so well..... I had a pepsi lol. You do NOT want to know what I had to do for this pepsi. I had some super dented cans from when a box went crashing to the ground. I actually pulled one out put it in the freezer and used a knife to open it...... yep I REALLY wanted a pepsi!!!
And now at 10pm I am going to snuggle with my baby boy. He has been overtired the last few days and really having troubles getting to sleep. Wonder how to reverse this?
The river in Okotoks has BEAUTIFUL scenery. And tons of animals. It was a really great day. I am so lucky to get to spend these days with my children :)

She can climb things I never thought possible. Gram would go try to help her and she would say... Gram I am fine by myself up here. Just weave me awone!

Seriously... when did this happen? My baby boy has no baby left....

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