I was totally unprepared for the events that transpired today. I went to bed feeling pretty awful. Not to mention I went to bed with my 4 yr old who is experiencing pretty intense nightmares and had woken up again around midnight. Which meant I had to do everything I could NOT to breathe on him... so far only Kade and I have the sickness and I do NOT want him getting it!!!
Poor kid apparently did not get much sleep thanks to me being sick... so we both lost out! I guess I was having a rough sleep talking and coughing... he kept waking me up asking what I had just said to him.
ANYWAYS... I got up and just completely felt awful. Cracked out the soda crackers and water and Ro brought me a bucket. He is such a good lil guy when you aren't feeling well!
Then I went and checked the pics I had put up the night before on the blog.... and became worried. There was something *off* with the colors.... which made me haul myself over to the laptop and try to figure out what was going on. I had told C she could pick up her pics today and was now totally worried. It didn't take long to figure out that I had switched color profiles to send in biz cards and had made her pics CMYK as well! And those will not print well :( So I converted them all and went to burn the disc.
FOR THE SECOND time... I could NOT get the computer to recognize the disc drive! This is becoming increasingly frustrating... not to mention she was on her way and I was beginning to lose my mind!
And this is where I say - I am a PC longing to be a MAC. Let the penny pinching begin!
So C came and I had to ask her into my house full o germies and pray noone caught anything while I hooked my external hard drive into the dinosaur computer downstairs to burn the disc. Good news... it worked. She has her beautiful pics. Bad news.... poor C had to see me without makeup!
Then I rushed Ro to get ready for school.... and took Keag and Kade to Chapters to let them play for a bit. Starting to feel better.......
Came home, cleaned up, fed the kids, greeted the big kids.....and spent the day reading to them and hanging out.
What is it about fresh air? I did feel much better after stepping out. Thank goodness! And what is it with my kids? They are completely eating me out of house and home and falling asleep seconds after tucking them in..... I think a growth spurt is coming on!!!
These two are so much fun when it is just the two of them. They just crack each other up. I love it! And yes we all still love him DESPITE the shirt he came wearing ;)