I had my lights out for a photo shoot today, so I thought I would do some experimenting while they were out.
If you have ever dealt with lighting - you'll catch what I'm throwing here.
It is a huge giant PITA to carry it up from storage downstairs and then back down again. So it's rare I take them out to play with them. WHICH I should totally be doing. But whenever they need to be out I use those moments as go time!!!!
I can't remember where... I think one of the forums I belong to I saw someone use a 'fake bed' setup. Bed shots can be really cool. and very lifestyle - which I really want to get into. So I through a comforter on the floor and some pillows. We don't have white pillow cases, so I covered them with the comforter. SO... it doesn't look as it should. Then once Kade got her jelly bean it was OVER. But - it is a great idea!!! I think they could be really cool.
We also had some fun at bath time. I had the lights off, and there is no window - so it's mostly flash. I love finding out more and better ways of using it!

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