So when I heard we were going to have the torch passing through I wanted to make sure my kids got their share of the excitement too. You never know... they might not get the chance again!
My friend told me it was hitting High River today and I decided to let Ro play hooky from preschool and go to this instead. Amazingly enough even that was work! He really wanted to go to school!
But we forged on. Unfortunately we got there about 5 min too late. Which meant we followed the torch a zillion cops and traffic moving at a snails pace. Or I mean a torch runners pace lol.
Finally got parking and walked 3 miles (kidding but carrying a 2 yr old and shuffling to a grumpy 4 yr olds pace makes it feel like it was 3 miles) to the rec center. Where Kade immediately started screaming and crying 'I want to go back to the car mommy'. Good times. I had to carry her the entire time and lift Ro up so he could see. It was the only way to keep her from crying her eyes out. Ro was rockin out to the music, videotaping and taking pics. He was very upset he didn't have a flag. You guessed it they were handed out AHEAD of the torch run, and we were about 100 cars behind it lol.
Luckily a woman in the bathrooms overheard his cries for a flag and she gave him his AND Kade a little tambourine thingy. HAPPY kids again :)
I feel so lucky to have seen it - I didn't last time. And Ro and Kade will have some memories (well Kade rememebers crying hahahahaha) of it. It's a great time for Canadians!
He ran the torch through High River. He was the publisher of the paper there. Ro was not excited at all. Can you tell? hahahaha

Ro wanted to know why they stopped running with the fire. Yep this is the huge podium fire. He thought THIS was the one they ran with!

Lighting the next torch on its way to Okotoks.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaa :)

He was SO HAPPY to have a flag to wave to go along with his screaming with the crowd.

I'm so glad we went there. The crows were way smaller than in Calgary. I would have LOVED to have gone downtown... but with Kade - totally not in the cards lol.
When Ro got home the torch run was on tv coming into Calgary. Ro was SO PROUD to tell daddy he saw it in person. He can't wait to show his pics and vidoes for show and tell at school this week. Finally.... good decision mom!!!
Kathy..I am so proud of you for taking the kids some.Some say it is a horrible waste of money, I say I was so proud of when it came thru Winnipeg, and we are so lucky we can celebrate this event as a nation. All of us need positive moments in our world right now.Happy memories for the kids..the WILL talk about it in their later years fondly!