I had one of the funniest pics I was going to put up today - but I just realized that I didn't upload it from my camera by accident - so it will be tomorrow!!! So I put one that I took the other day.
I wanted this pic to have a sweet, old warm fuzzy feeling to it. I love how it turned out. He is such a little thinker. Deep in thought here - no he's not watching TV!!!!!!
He was waiting for me to set the camera up, desperate to hit the button on my camera ;)
I can NOT believe he will be in kindergarten soon. I can't believe how fast they grow up. Today he was trying to be so nice to Kade. Trying to *protect* her from his cousins. As if - the poor cousins need the protecting. But he turned and looked at me and said 'mom I am SUCH a good brother aren't I' !!!!!!
To which I immediately thought... yes right now..... hahahahaha. melt my heart :)

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