I am failing miserably. My work is so behind.... and my computer problems are just making that much more evident every.single.day.
We have had a few people out to visit in the past weeks. And birthdays. Dance class. School. Work. I am thankful for all the above... just still learning how to balance being at home with my kids, the cleaner, the cook, the taxi driver and work. It's a work in progress :)
Two of my sister and I's friends came out.... one stayed at her house and one here. Well the kids are COMPLETELY devastated to be losing their McCool (as she is called around here). Kade has woken up asking me to go pick her up oh about a hundred times already. And Rohan was so upset she wouldn't be here when he woke up.
ALL our kids love these girls... as do we. A visit from them is heaven. I just wish I could have spent more time with them.... thanks computer for that.
Yesterday my kids were playing with McCool and the sun was just setting so I quickly fired off a few pics. I have been so busy the past few days my camera sat full of pics and I had no time to upload.... CRAZY!!!
You can see how happy they are with her... Kade even said she would go stay with her for a week. So you know it's love! This morning she looked at one of the pictures and said 'I love you McCool'. Makes me want to pack up and move home.
SO HOMESICK right now.
How can I resist someone I don't have to bribe??? So pretty... and compliant lol. The only problem was.... Kade wanted to be in ALL the photos lol.

And.. I am happy to have her back home haha! Great pics of Nic.. her eyes are just poppin out in the pics!