And then... before the sun was up.... Rohan was. I promised him he could open the present from Grandma C and Grandma Barb when he woke up as it was sitting on a table taunting him for 3 days ;) So he was raring to go. And so off we went to open a present. TOTALLY WORTH IT. He loves it! Thanks grandmas!!!
This birthday is completely random. It is the first one he has really been aware of having a birthday and it NOT falling on the day of his party. We usually downplay the birthday and save everything for the party. Because it was Dion's 40th I planned his birthday stuff for last weekend and though I would just push Ro's bday to this coming weekend. COMPLETELY forgot about Thanksgiving. So his bday party is being pushed to the following weekend. OOPS. So not wanting him to feel like it wasn't something to celebrate we had a little something. And he enjoyed it all. Even the part when he was yelling at everyone to stop playing with his toys. LOL. I guess school and a little party with a week of very little sleep and a lot of sugar may NOT have been the best combo ;)
The rest of the day was a total flurry of activities. Baths, making Rice Krispie squares, taking them to school, baking cupcakes, picking him up from school, having Auntie and fam and Gram over for a bit to eat and presents, then cleaning up, a bit of play, bedtime, work and more cleaning... it is non stop over here!!!
He had a great birthday and my baby is now 5! UNREAL. Happy Birthday Rohan! I love you :)
Early. Early. Early.

Yep. There's the yawn.

The usual suspects!!!

He wasn't having

Awwwwww so pretty and cute!

My sister took this :) Notice how awesome my sister looks. And the mess I look. LOL.

Gram's present of a SPIDERMAN coat got him really smiling!

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