You know it.... you know everyone else knows it..... and you just hope you can keep yourself together enough???
Now... you know those days are kind of sucky. BUT add to that mix your kids having an off day. AND THEN add a bunch more people, with noone really knowing what we should do for the day........
Now your sister suggests Fish Creek. Which IS awesome. We love it. The kids love it. So yep and yep we are IN.
Apparently someone told the mosquitoes. Seriously... to be there in those numbers someone HAD to have told them. INSANE. Even with spray they were swarming us. My poor sister had to carry Riley all wrapped up..... it was insane.
Once we got the river though.... no mosquitoes. Which would have been awesome.... except for we LOST half our party!!!We were a bit ahead of my sister... but at the edge of the path we turned on we left my mom to point her in the right direction. Then at the next (and last) turn Troy left the wagon as a marker. Well somehow they missed it. So he went off searching for them while Dion and I let the kids romp around in the river.
Troy had to go to work though and had just come back from his 2nd search so we packed up and started back to the cars.
And we walked quickly. HOLY MOSQUITOES. The boys were lagging though so I started yelling we were going to race.... and heard.... my SISTER yelling back at me lol. Reuinted again. Just took a Jongstra voice I guess. Seeing as we sound identical and all.
Relaxing day by the river? HAHAHAHA. Not in the cards today!
We were done. Bitten and hot the day was over. Got home and Kade is not feeling so hot. Bath, supper, and bed. Done. Good night :) Although.... Kade's bedtime took a couple of hours. Why is it the kid that takes 30 seconds to fall asleep for a 5 min car ride home takes hours to fall asleep at bedtime?

The boys heading out. They are getting SO BIG!!!! The other day I let Rohan return movies to Blockbuster and run in and get two gumballs (one for him and Kade) by himself! He even came back to the car, got in, shut his door and buckled himself in!!! CRAZY TIMES we are living in people!

They were walking holding hands. Kade says I love you Jaxon. He says I love you too Kadence. And they start throwing rocks into the river. Awwwwww

Awwww cuties! Hope tomorrow is better!