Guess who's getting their curbs done!!!!! Oh yeah... US!!!
Dion had some time this weekend and so does his mom so they were out in full force today.
Did I mention it was cold??? We had to turn the HEAT on again!
So the kids were having a bad day. By bad I mean TERRIBLE. By terrible I mean I was seriously considering trading one or both for a vodka 7. They wanted to be out there with Gram and Dad so bad.... but of course they couldn't. Really... one misstep or fall (ya that would be Kade) and the curbs would definitely have a unique pattern!
So I tried letting them play in the bouncy house. One or both would get hurt. One or both would flip the switch to the air blower on, then off, then on (totally against my rules) so they would get a 1/2 hour time out from the bouncy house. One or both would escape through the fence to the front.
That's when I decided to take them out. To Chapters. Let them play in the toy dept. Oh my. BAD IDEA. I would not let Rohan get a toy he wanted..... WOW. Haven't had a moment like that in months. When I went to pay for a book he was so desperate to get something... anything.... he grabbed something from the front counter and handed it to me to buy. I said no... give it back..... to which he clenched what he was holding so tightly he actually started vibrating and turned purple. He held on like that for a minute or so... then the torrent of tears..... BUT he did go and put it back. It took EVERYTHING he had in him but he did it. When I saw what it was was I couldn't believe it. Meditation balls. OK - maybe he could use those! So on the way home we stopped to get luch at Timmy's. Ro had calmed down and I said to him I love you Ro, but that behaviour is unacceptable. He then said Oh mommy... you are just saying you love me to get out of trouble! I said trouble? What trouble? He says FOR NOT BUYING ME A TOY!!!!!
It just kept on like that. All day. Fighting. Kids getting hurt. Kids hurting each other. Yelling at mommy. Me yelling back. Awful. SO GLAD it's over. Hope they stay sleeping. They keep getting up more and more every night (seems to go in cycles) so their attitudes are getting worse.
While all this was going on...... our beautiful new curbs were getting installed. Here are some peeks at the process.... it was pretty fun to watch it being done! Tomorrow there will be pics of the big unveil. I don't know about anyone else.... but 2 small kids and trying to keep your house semi clean while running a business does NOT leave much time for prettying up the outdoors! It's LAST on my list. And considering I don't normally get half way through me list in a day.... you can see how much work I get done outdoors!!! So tomorrow we will be putting new black stuff down and filling it up with........ well now there has to be some surprise left for tomorrow ;)
Thanks Grandma for everything you have done and plan to do for us! There is NO WAY with the kids I could get it looking half as good as it;s going to.... you are AWESOME :)
So here he's laying it down....

Next comes the trowel.....

Then the stamping.... we got flagstone too :)

There is one step here with no pic. Not like it's top secret or anything... my kids we CRAY and I just could not keep them in the house. So You are missing the sealing picture!
Wait until you see what's special about this curb ;) TOMORROW!

Looking good hey??

For more information on Creative Edge curbs check here
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