The wind was SO STRONG... it was hard to believe. I actually grabbed Kade at one point when I honestly thought she was going to be blown over.
Cars were left abandoned.....slides were blown over.....

Shopping carts were tossed around like toys..... strollers sat empty.

Our poor tree.... it looks Charlie Brownish enough (it does seem to be making a comeback this year - we totally thought it was a goner), but with the wind I thought the top was going to snap off!

WOW - after posting this pic I noticed some of our shingles are MISSING!!!!! EEEEEEEK!!! So I came back and added the zoom in. OH D will NOT be happy.

Seriously... how do the crows fly around and manage to sat on the branches? They sure were making a racket out there though.

Your place looks like ours right now! I'm soooo sick of snow! By the time spring arrives it will be Winter again! pooo! Great images Kathy!