With all the kids here today and a little tired from their prechool concert I wanted to give them a special little treat. So I turned to baking. Which.... FYI keep butter in your fridge. Everything I went to make called for more butter than I had - I had used mine all up at Easter and forgot to restock. I love butter. Seriously it is a crime to bake without it. OK maybe not... but it should be!
So I thought... there will be no better time to try out this whipping cream! I had tons of grapes, strawberries, and raspberries. That with whipping cream plus the absolutely gorgeous day outside was the perfect solution!!!
So I whipped up the stuff.. and it was really good! I was suprised. Now I need to know... what IS the difference? I mean it is 33% cream so I am assuming it's ummmmm rich lol. But really I like it better than cool whip. I don't buy it often, but I will definately keep on with the cream - until someone tells me it will clog my arteries in seconds or something ;)
So go ahead. Try it. Dare you.
The kids will hate it....

Seriously... they won't enjoy ONE second if it.

They definitely won't make a mess of their clothes with those berries either ;)

He really is loving it. REALLY. He told me he HAS to tell his mom how to make this. He wanted me to take a pic of his chin so he could see the mess he made!

mmmmmmmm perfect summer*ish* treat!!!

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