So what is a girl to do on her birthday weekend when her honey is out of town training for his new business?????
decide last minute to pack up the kids to go see him in Medicine Hat after an awesome photoshoot. Sure made for a busy weekend!!! So we had the photoshoot on Sat..... and left home around 4. It was a great drive - Kade slept a ton of the way and Ro was soooo excited to see his daddy and go swimming in the pool he did not sleep, but did not complain the whole drive either ;) I even got to stop to get some pics of the gorgeous Alberta sunset. Which do happen!!!
We got there around 8 and took the kids down to the pool. Where a ton of fun was had by all! Kids in bed around midnight... and an early morning. With another long drive ahead of me I was wearing thin. But I got them all packed up again, took them to a real restaraunt where there were so funny and cute and well behaved I had high hopes for the drive. Which were CRUSHED about 5 min out of the city lol. Kade went to sleep immediately but Ro was too busy complaining for sleep. So I gave him his DS and he was ok until I heard the dreaded "I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOOOOOOOOM!!! NOW MOMMMMMMMY!!!!!!"
So I had to pull over at the next stop and wake up the sleeping beauty who immediately 'grew horns' as one of my friends would say..... needless to say the rest of the trip to grandma's was nothing short of pure torture. At one point I told Rohan I was leaving him on the side of the road lol.
We got there alive though! Lucky kids ;)
After a yummy bday dinner at grandma's and a fab cake (with THE BEST CANDLES EVER!!!!!!) I was back on the road... totally dreading the trip home. But both kids slept :)
Wondering what tonight will bring... Kade went directly to bed once we were home. Rohan is still up (and it's 11 new time).
BTW - who invented time change ANYWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrr
and the winner of the worst crop but my most loved pic of the sunset it..........................

It was beautiful!!!!!

My cake.... from a few of my fav peeps ;)

Happy belated Birthday Kathy!