Olympics. Team Canada vs Team USA.
.......... and we lost.
I had bought an outfit for Kade for Canada Day... and wanted her to wear it for today. She likes watching hockey... so I figured it would be a most excellent time to bring it out.
Well... she loved putting it on. She walked to Daddy saying 'Daddy this is my hockey shirt!!!!!'
She wore it all day... but do you think I could get a pic of her in it???? I mean really she did everything she could to NOT look at me.... make funny faces... move all over the place.
So I gave up and went out. Where she fell asleep. and proceeded to sleep through two wakeups for almost 3 HOURS!!! Poor kid her cough is so bad.
But she did go to bed tonight! A little later.. but she's out. Here's hoping it will last all night... cause that is RARE these days!
yep she definitely does NOT want to look!

mmmmmm hmmmmm... nice one!

I guess she was serious about the no picture thing!

Someone may have heard about jeally beans for smiles......

The only one I got of her standing and looking at me. LOL. Nice face!

Go Canada Go!!!!

Sleeping beauty..........

What a cutie!