So I took the kids out to play. Normally I wait for D to be home. Ro can stay out for HOURS. Kade about 5 minutes. They are night and day those two :) As usual it took about 15 min to get everyone dressed. 5 min longer than normal as we had to SQUISH Kade in hers. I hope to grab a new one on sale soon - poor kid does not fit hers any longer!
So we got out and Kade wanted to be carried EVERYWHERE. Expected, yet still very annoying. Ro was all over the place - happy as a clam. Deal was - a few pics, then camera inside and I would take them to the *hill* across from our house. So I snapped... Kade had a few falls and was frozen in 2 minutes. But we perservered and I got a few cute ones.
Then we went over to the *hill* (no if you don't get it yet it's not really a hill - but I guess it is to kids!). Where I rolled down then hill with my 4 year old until I couldn't stand the dizziness anymore. With Kade looking on from the top. Winter is definately NOT her thing!

He wanted to make ice.... um ya no thanks!

And this was the beginning of the major meltdown!

practicing more bokeh...... it's been fun to see how I am improving since this time last year :)

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