The beginning.
My first post. A summary to now. The reason for my writing. Hard to find the words. Hard to find any words right now :)
And although I am posting now.... this probably won't be read for a day or two until I have this set up the way I want.
I am all over the map these days. Hoping a nice sane blog will help me organize the chaos! I have been with the man I love for 7 years. Wow... where does the time go? And when am I going to be putting a wedding band beside my engagement ring? I am a stay at home mom to 2 beautiful kids. Rohan is 3 and Kadence is 1.5. They are the true meaning of chaos, love, laughter, and tears. I also have a teenage stepdaughter whom I love, and whose teenage antics drive me crazy like every other parent!
Having children did more that just turn me into a mother. It has made me look deep within myself. To find a passion. Something I want to do. Something I LOVE to do. Something I can do and make it a source of income, and be in love with doing at the same time. Something I never dreamed I would attempt a career of. My soul searching has led me to one place. Something I have always loved, but never tried to learn. Something that I print.... but never judged the quality. Something I never 'composed' , checked lighting for, or bought fancy gadgets for. Something that makes people SMILE, makes people CRY, makes people REMEMBER, and makes people FEEL.
Photography. Sounds simple? I think not. I am dizzy just thinking about it. I have so much to learn and not enough time. So many shots to practice and not enough time. But I am learning. Slowly. On the net, in books, some online courses.... and alot of friendly help from some of my fav photogs!!!!
My cousin Shannon, who is a photographer inspired me to this. to take something I love and go with it. Seeing her work, and how happy she is doing it led me to this decision. So thank you Shannon!
As the last comment has probably suggested, there are alot of photog buffs in my family. Not many professionals like Shannon, but we probably take the most pics of any family I know. Our family gatherings are sure to have people with their cameras out talking about what they have/haven't got, what their newset aquisition is, and shooting like crazy. It's normal to us.... but other sometimes need to get used to it lol :) My dad and I could probably take pictures all day!
So this will be a story of my journey. To hopefully one day be called a photographer and to LIKE it! But not just the journey to develop this new passion... it is also the journey that mothers take...... to be the best mother I can, to raise happy and healthy children, and to stay a loving and commited partner to their father. But to turn it up a notch and do something that is for me. As everyone knows, being a mother to young children and finding something that is just you can be hard. Rewarding, but hard. I look forward to the challenge :)
I have already learned so much..... but am going to start this blog here. Where I am and what I know. And hopefully it will have the right amt of real life drama and photog blah blah blah to keep people interested and wanting to join me in following a dream!
So here is me........ I shoot with a Nikon d80. I have the 18-135mm zoom lens 3.5-5.6. I also just got the 50mm 1.4 lens for Christmas (I LOVE my man) and have been taking a flurry of pics with it. As it is cold here, outdoor shots are not always avail so I have been studying some great lighting books. I want to learn the art of natural light. to use it to advantage. to get the shot I didn't think possible. So I am studying. I am also studying strobe lighting. I have a huge interest in strobes and am trying to decide what kind of setup would be right for me. with indoor shoots come other things to learn..... finding the best places for backdrops that suit my style. Finding props that will work. Finding a backdrop stand lol. Everything!!!!! I have also recently found a new love in night photography. I find it truly beautiful and magical. Thankfully my MIL Yvonne braved the cold with me, and my friend Danielle likes it too!!!!!
I have many things on the go....... hoping that sitting down to write and go through what I am doing is going to sort it out. I am trying to learn as much as I can in as little time as my children allow!!!! They are sabotaging my efforts at reading, and are starting to not love my camera so much :( But my man Dion is sooo supportive and believes in me, which keeps me going. I know I can do this.
My goal is to become an on site photographer. Specializing in portraits from pregnancy shots - newborn - todllers- children - family. With just the right amount of engagement and weddings shoots! I also hope to get some stellar night photography, in the hopes to blow some up for my walls...... and if I'm lucky to sell here and there :)
That's is. My journey is really beginning now. Now it's all out there for everyone to see!!!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
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This is me

- Kathy
- Thanks for visiting! My name is Kathy and I am a mother of two and raising them with the love of my life. I have just embarked upon an amazing journey - a photography business in Calgary AB. Always learning, practicing and enjoying every part!
I love it! I am so glad that you decided to start a blog and chat about what you're learning. You have an amazing passion for photography and I am proud of you for taking this step forward. I am so glad to have someone to bounce ideas off of and someone to critique work with, I only wish we lived closer to one another and were able to go shooting together. I am thankful that we finally have something that we can share, a common passion! You have moved me to tears with your kind words for me, you are one of my best fans! You can already call yourself a photographer, I think it has more to do with passion than technique. We're always learning and growing and changing, that's part of being a great photographer. I look forward to many more posts and will definatly bookmark this site! Good luck! Love you! Shannon
ReplyDeleteawwww I wish we lived closer to.... maybe in the summer we can go out together if we get another trip out :) Plus you could take some pics of our little fam. Hope you don't mind I linked your blog to mine! love you too!