This is in celebration of my next business step - setting up my fb fan page!!!! I am offering a referral contest.
So let me break it down...... I will be booking 10 sessions from now until the end of August. To participate you must refer me to everyone you know!!! If any of your referrals book with me, each and every time your name will be put in a draw.
After 10 sessions are booked we will draw names. The winner will get a free session for the family in the park with me!!!!
Session prices are : $100 for a 2 hr session. You will receive 10 images in full resolution on CD, plus my conversions to black and white. Web size files with my watermark will also be provided. Also included is one special edit photo of your choice... whether you want texture added, a selective color or something else!!!
The winner of the contest gets all the above stuff FREE!!!!
Call 403-873-1036 to book or ask for details!
travelling charges apply for out of town - call for more info.
So start telling your friends!!! This is the last time I will be offering so many images on cd before a print order min is in place!!! So get in on it now - only 10 sessions will be booked!!!!
Happy referring!
So please.... become a fan!!! An start referring!
Here is my fb fan page link"> OK so I do NOT know how to post a link right here.... one more thing to figure out!
Here are a couple pics too - with my fav actions on them! textures and hazy..... perfection!!!
These are from yest mat session with beautiful friend K - this picture is stunning.... I just love it! It's going to be edited multiple ways, cause I can't stop!

And this is my son with Poppa in Victoria. It has captured the moment perfectly - they were both having a blast!